Red is a color that instinctively attracts our eyes and attention. And that is why flowers with bright red tones are always a highlight in any garden or room.
If you like reddish flowers and want to combine them in your garden with other colors. Or place them in a unique and special place in your house, read on because in this article we are going to see 15 plants with red flowers. And its main characteristics to take into account.
1. Anthurium or anthurium plant with red flowers
The anthurium and anthurium is a plant also called love flower is a tropical plant native to Latin America, whose name actually covers a lot of species. Its flowers are fleshy and bright red, which contrasts with its dark green leaves. The stem can reach 50 cm in height and is a very popular indoor plant. It needs a stable and warm temperature that never drops between 15ºC and 18ºC. And with the proper care, it will keep its flower throughout the year. Avoid getting intense direct sunlight, and keep your substrate and leaves damp, spraying water on them without ever getting to puddles.
-Anthurium scherzerianum
-Anthurium andreanum
-Anthurium crystallinum
2. Guzmania
This perennial herbaceous plant also originates in America, from Central America to Peru. It is of a height of no more than 35 cm and its leaves are arranged in a rosette. Its flowers grow between bracts of intense red or orange, which are as striking as the flower itself or even more.
Guzmania is usually used as an indoor plant unless it is lived in very mild climates, and it is a plant that requires a good amount of light to acquire a bright red color. It also requires a good amount of moisture, but never of puddling, and is weak against frost.
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3. Vriesea, a plant with red flowers as feathers
The Vriesea, also called Indian feather, is a genus of striking indoor plants that produce a slender inflorescence whose shape resembles precisely that of a bird feather. Its flower grows quite above the leaves of the plant, standing out well in any garden or space. It is a tropical plant that does not tolerate temperatures below 16ºC, and that requires stable climates around 20ºC. It also needs a good supply of sunlight to bloom, and, like many tropical plants, requires water sprays to maintain an adequate level of humidity.
4. Japanese quince tree
Continuing with this list of plants with red flowers, we now stop at a curious Japanese bush. Of scientific name Chaenomeles Japonica, this deciduous shrub can grow up to 2 meters high. It is a very easy crop plant, little demanding due to how rustic and resistant it is.
The Japanese quince can be used to form hedges, and blooms in both spring and autumn and winter, making it one of those few plants with the ability to beautify a garden with the vivid colors of its flowers in the cold season.
In the cover image and the one below, we can see this bush with red flowers. And if you like Shrubs with flowers in this other post you will find up to 21 different ones with names and images.
This plant native to Central and South America can live for many years as long as it is kept safe from the cold. It is known for its medicinal properties and its brightly colored flowers, which are presented in a variety of shades, the red between them.
The verbena of red flowers or other colors is a plant both indoors and outdoors, especially in temperate or tropical climates, and does not require great care. It requires a moderate exposure to the sun and is very easy to reproduce both by seeds and cuttings.
6. Camellia, plants with large red flowers
This genus of plants produces large and spectacular red flowers, although there are also other colors, and are widely popular for their elegant beauty.
The camellias are original from Asia, and they are trees and shrubs that can reach heights of up to 10 meters. Its flowers cover a wide spectrum of colors, the red between them. Indoors, they require fresh locations away from heating. They need a lot of natural light, and they appreciate being watered with lukewarm water and without lime. If you have to use tap water, it is recommended to add a little vinegar.
7. Marshmallow
Also called False hibiscus, this shrub is widely used in gardening to form fences and separations outdoors. It is native to South America and reaches heights of up to 3 meters. It produces red or white flowers, of petals that do not open, which is why in English it is called dormant hibiscus. It blooms during a great part of the year, and the most important thing when planting it is to keep it sheltered from the wind. It has great resistance to low temperatures, withstanding frosts of up to almost -10ºC.
8. Flamboyan, a tree with red flowers
Also known as Flame Tree ( Delonix regia ) is one of the most popular tropical trees in gardening. Its success is due to its striking red and large flowers, although there is also a variety that gives them yellow or orange. It blooms in spring, starting from the tree’s five years of age, and care must be taken when choosing the location to plant it since its roots are very invasive. It is useful as an ornamental plant and because it keeps the soil around it clear of other plants. It reaches heights of up to 8 meters and requires direct solar incidence.
9. Red carnations
Carnations are some of the best-known flowers in the world and there are several colors. From clear ones like white, yellow and pink, to some more intense ones like red carnations. In addition, there are some species of carnations that have more than one color in their flowers, such as the Indian carnation.
10. Poppy plant with red flowers
The red poppies are some of the best known worldwide wild plants. They are very appreciated to cover large areas of land or garden and for their medicinal properties. In addition, the most common poppies are red, but there are also pink, orange, yellow, white, and so on.
11. Hibiscus or Chinese rose
The hibiscus or hibiscus is one of the most resistant plants to the direct sun, reason why you will find it together with many more in this compilation in this article on Plants of a garden with flowers resistant to the sun.
The hibiscus can have red, pink, white, orange, yellow flowers, etc. and they are all large and showy. It can be quite large and needs a lot of suns. So it is recommended to have it outdoors in a zone of sun and shade so that the contact with the sun is not excessive and damages it.
12. Red tulips
Tulips are other plants with red flowers that best withstand the direct sun, as they need large doses to develop well. These, currently, exist in a variety of colors and combinations, but even so, some of the most outstanding are the tulips of red flowers.
13. Red roses
Roses are one of the most popular flowers in all countries. And within these are very popular in red, white and pink, although there are also in yellow, orange or salmon, as well as other artificial colors such as blue and green.
14. Poinsettia or poinsettia, a plant with red and green leaves
This is the main plant of Christmas. It is very common to give or buy a poinsettia, Christmas plant or poinsettia to have at this time. Because it looks very decorative green and red tones. Its flowers are red and yellow in the center.
What not many people know is that this plant can be kept in perfect condition all year and is not only to have it at Christmas. If you dare to try to hold on from one Christmas to the next. We suggest you consult this care guide for the poinsettia.
15. Ipomea Quamoclit or condemnor with red flowers
To finish with this list of plants with red flowers, we show you the curious condemnor.
The Cundeamor, Ipomea or Ipomoea plant is a climbing plant native to the tropical zone of America. Its leaves are intense green and have red flowers in the shape of a star or bell. Although red is the most common, there are also white to pink and purple. It can measure between 1 meter and 3 meters high and its flowers are large, being able to be between 3 cm and 4 cm long and 2 cm in diameter.