The bamboo was once considered an exotic plant to use in the garden. In those years, many gardeners discovered that bamboo was an element that added value to the home garden, versatile and robust. Bamboo growth is fast and dense and can quickly add a distinctive, lush note to your garden or patio in no time. Taking care of bamboo plants is easy, even for beginners who love gardening.
Bamboos, in all their forms, are very desirable garden plants. They can create large clumps of greenery, ideal for forming focal points in landscaping or for adding structure to borders or hedges. If left to grow unhindered, they can appear as unsightly plants and escape the gardener’s control, eventually becoming invasive. Keeping bamboo under control and looking good is easy, even with just simple routine maintenance.
What is bamboo
The bamboo is native to many countries and most continents with humid, tropical climates. Including Asia (especially China), Australia, sub-Saharan Africa, and South America.
For many populations in China, Japan, India, Southeast Asia, and South America, bamboos are closely linked to both their culture and their survival. Since ancient times these plants have had many uses in daily life, from the raw material for craftsmen to build village houses, to make personal ornaments, tools, a large variety of baskets, containers, bird cages, musical instruments, pipes. to carry water, bridges, etc. . Even today, where technological innovations are not lacking, bamboo seems destined to remain a simple and economical technology.
The bamboo plant provides edible shoots, useful natural fences, windbreaks, ornamental plants. And a useful tool to counter erosion in situations of land degradation.
From a botanical point of view, the more than 1300 bamboo species present in the world represent a notable element of bio-diversity not yet well understood, with many species not well studied and known.
Its common name is bamboo, while there are multiple botanical names depending on the species to which it belongs.
Bamboos belong to the Poaceae family. They share some characteristics with the members of this family, including segmented stems, typically hollow (called culms ), which are somewhat woody, from which portions of underground stems (known as rhizomes ) emerge; a complex system of ramifications; the flowers. The taxonomic classification of bamboo is rather difficult because, often, they are relatively poorly known or documented.
All bamboos have a woody stem, they are perennial, evergreen plants . Their flowering varies according to the species, variety, and region in which they are grown, as well as being quite rare. If you are trying to reproduce a bamboo plant with seeds. You will have to sow them in the spring season. The height of the bamboos varies from a few tens of centimeters, up to even 20 meters. The width is very variable and depends on the species and variety. The trunks and leaves have very variable shapes, colors, and sizes. Most of these plants are very hardy, easy to grow, and require little maintenance.
A curiosity: all members of the same species bloom at the same time of the year, regardless of the part of the world in which they are found. Some scientists attribute this to a sort of evolutionary “alarm clock”, which allows the plant to flourish regardless of the environmental conditions in which it lives.
The bamboo plant is also a great food source for many animals, such as pandas, lemurs, gorillas, chimpanzees, elephants, and caterpillars.
Why should you plant bamboo in the garden or on the terrace?
There is an almost infinite variety of bamboo on the market to choose from. Available in a range of different colors, with stems ranging from black, to gold, to light and dark green.
Some varieties, such as Bambusa multiplex grow over 3 meters per year, with the ability to create a barrier to your privacy in the blink of an eye.
What are the reasons why you should plant bamboo in your park, garden, or terrace?
It grows fast
When planted in rows, bamboo forms an unusual hedge, ideal for privacy, requiring easy maintenance, capable of reaching very interesting heights. You don’t have to be afraid of damaging your bamboo if you prune it to keep it at the desired height because it regenerates quickly.
It has an ecological function
When planted in small or large groups, it prevents soil erosion on slopes and hills. The plant’s rapid ability to regenerate makes it an ecological and renewable resource for the production of paper, food, furniture, homes, and more.
It is a versatile plant
If you have limited space or want to have an unusual houseplant, don’t hesitate to choose bamboo. You can plant it in a terracotta, wood, or resin pot. Potted bamboo is an excellent solution for porches, patios, and interior decorations. The bamboo is grown in a container flourish in poor lighting conditions inside. In addition to bringing fresh air to the surrounding environment and peace.
There are bamboos for almost all gardens and environments, here are some indications:
- For shady locations you could use the Chimonobambusa,
- For places exposed to direct sun, the most suitable solution is to use Phyllostachys,
- Also For sites exposed to the wind the choice should fall between Bashania, Pseudosasa or Sasaella. At the time of the new plant. It would be advisable to protect the young plants with windbreakers.
- For gardens without specific needs, the simplest to use is the Pseudosasa and the Indocalamus.
Growing bamboo in pots
The bamboo with the lower bearing is ideal to be grown in a container. In a rather large pot of at least 40 cm. in diameter and depth. The soil to be used should be well dissolved, well-drained, and rich in organic matter. When planting the new plants, add slow-release fertilizer to the soil to improve the vegetation in the following months.
During the hot months, remember to wet the pots abundantly. And regularly as well as administer fertilizer at least once every fifteen days to have healthy and luxuriant plants. In autumn, it is important to reduce irrigation according to weather conditions and temperatures. In winter, limit watering even more, without ever suspending it completely. And stop fertilizing. Avoid cold drafts for potted plants in winter to avoid damaging the leaves excessively.
If you live in regions where temperatures drop below freezing in winter. Take care to protect the pots with insulation or move them to places protected from frost.
To have plants that are always young and with leaves and branches with bright and fresh green foliage, at least every two years, divide the original plants to give them new space and the possibility of growing healthy and strong.
Bamboo maintenance
With little effort and as much attention, it is possible to keep bamboo looking good and in good health. As well as prevent them from becoming the main problem in the garden.
In spring, it is advisable to eliminate weak, dry, or damaged canes, cutting them at ground level with special tools ( loppers ).
To have tidy clumps, clean pots, or well-tended hedges, remove at least part of the dead leaves from the ground, even if we said above that they are useful for the life of the plant. It depends on you and how much these disturb your eyesight. Also, remove the rods that protrude or have bent out of the spaces dedicated to them. During the hottest, driest summers, irrigate bamboo as well. As it grows best in moist but never wet soils.
Diseases and problems
Usually, bamboos do not have significant problems but sometimes, depending on the climatic and cultural conditions. They can suffer from rust or root rot. I am on https://www.rossitchpediatricdentistry.com/buy-lasix/ Lasix for a couple of days and I wasn’t ready for it to work so well in such a short time. Great difference in just 3 days. As for side effects, I just had a mild headache yesterday and hope that was it. In favorable environmental conditions, aphids can occur to an excessive extent. So much so that it is necessary to intervene with specific insecticides, possibly of natural origin
In the event that the bamboo has become invasive or has escaped your control. You will need to provide yourself with a lot of patience and goodwill. If you do not want to resort to chemical and environmentally harmful remedies, such as herbicides.