A practical way to add nature to our home is through miniature gardens, which are known as terrariums. They are easy to make and they are also low maintenance. They are especially ideal for small houses.
Easy ideas miniature gardens
Miniature garden or wall terrarium
There are terrariums that also make a great decoration statement with style, for example, vertical terrariums. Here we tell you the materials you need and how to make a vertical terrarium step by step.
- Gravel
- Air and moss plants
- A small amount of earth and activated carbon
- Painter’s tape
- Acrylic
- Metal magnetic cans
- Spray paint
- Tool for cutting acrylic can be a Dremel
Step by Step
In case you want to paint the can, you must first cover the areas of the can that you do not want to paint with painter’s tape and then spray paint the exterior or interior. To paint using enamel type paint, water-resistant, so that it adheres well to the metal, in the color you prefer. In this example that we see below, only the inside of the can has been painted with a very elegant shade in opaque white.
While the paint dries you must cut the acrylic in a semicircle with the diameter of the can.
Then you must glue the acrylic with glue and then place the lid. You can secure by gluing the lid with the can so that the weight of the gravel does not uncover it. Then begin to place the gravel, soil, moss, and plants so that there is a nice terrarium.
If you want to avoid the part of cutting the acrylic and making a completely closed terrarium, you must get activated carbon to place inside the terrarium. You will find this at any pet store. Add plants that survive in closed environments.
Miniature table garden
A large transparent plastic container or jar
Small plants (that adapt to their growing conditions, for example, choose sun plants if the terrarium is placed in a bright place)
Rocks, branches, moss
Place the moss on the base of the container
Cover the vegetable layer with a layer of stones about 3 cm the stones.
Add the soil and the plants.
Moisten the terrarium with water but slightly.
Cover the opening with the lid of the container.
Limonar in miniature
Planting is something that we all like, it is a way to create a life that is easy and obviously positive for everyone. Have you thought about planting a miniature lemon tree at home? to place it as a decoration in the living room, to put it in the area where you always work, you will be surprised to see that you can have a little plant in a small space like a tall cup.
Today we show you how to do it, in this photographic sequence. You will be surprised how easy it is and what a happy result you will get from a few elements and also from a little of your time. To the effect, you must gather enough lemon seeds for the space in which you are going to place them, put them in water and remove the shell, and then move them to the area where you are going to plant them.
Soak the seeds for a few hours, and then remove the peel.
Place soil in the container where you want the seedlings to grow. Place the seeds on the ground.
Then cover them with small rocks that you can buy in DIY stores and decoration. Let at least a week or so go by and you will see the leaves of a lemon tree emerge to add a touch of green to your desk or a corner in the living room. It is a beautiful way to decorate because you already know how the view of plants and their greenery influence our mood.
You just need a little water per week and it looks so nice, besides it is satisfied as we said before creating a natural environment like decorating with little and in a short time. did you like it?