Type of fumigation: The spraying has always been an issue that has generated much controversy because some people are zealots of this method but others are totally against. Those who defend it say that not only is good as a solution. But in many cases it can help you prevent greater evils. While those who are against say that the natural control of pests and insects is equally effective but requires more effort than type of fumigation.
Type of fumigation: basic tips
The truth is that it is a tricky topic in which I will not enter as it is the case of each one. But since today I want to talk about the type of fumigation I will expose all the necessary points so that you know how to do it and what benefits you can obtain with she.
- In the first place, the ideal is to use it as a preventive measure instead of waiting for a serious problem and you have to resort to it as a solution. This will help you not only to prevent, which is the first objective. But to take care of all the plants a little more since the aggressiveness is less when you do not need as many chemical products as when you fumigate to treat already developed infections.
- As a preventive measure outside the type of fumigation, tell you that you can help a lot cultivate aromatic plants as they are the most repel mosquitoes, especially basil and lavender. Do this before spraying because if you do it when there is already an infection it will not be worth anything.
- It is very important to know what plague there is in particular is the one that is developing. Or which has more possibilities since this way you will be able to treat it with greater precision. You must buy the specific products for each one of them. And use them with the smallest possible spectrum. So that it only takes effect in the area where it has to be and not to damage other insects that may be good for the plants or the garden.
- When you buy the necessary products, find out how often and at what dose you must fumigate in order to do it correctly and that your plants are always in perfect condition.
- Use the treatment you use, keep in mind that you always have to use the least amount of product possible to avoid damaging the environment and achieve the desired effects in each plant.
How to fumigate plants with natural products
Caring for plants requires more attention than simply watering them from time to time. In this sense. One of the most important care we have to take into account whenever we want to have healthy and beautiful plants is to protect them against pests.
For this, it is necessary to fumigate specific products that act as protectors against the specific pests that we want to eliminate and, when choosing these products. It is important that we take into account that natural products are going to be more respectful with the plants. So that should be the first option to opt for. If you want to know how to fumigate plants with natural products, keep reading EcologíaVerde and we’ll tell you.
Why use natural products to fumigate plants
Today we can find many synthetic products for the elimination of plant pests. These products are very effective. However, they are also dangerous, often for the plant, for people and animals that live at home. And for the environment in general. Keep in mind that most synthetic products are so effective because they contain toxic products. Its function is to eliminate a pest and, for this, it is necessary that they act as a poison of said pest.
In general, used correctly, that is, following the manufacturer’s instructions, should not pose a risk to the plant. However, high usage could lead to damage or even the death of the plant. However, in homes where there are children and pets, it is a real risk that must be considered. On the contrary, the use of natural products eliminates this unnecessary risk.
Finally, it must also be considered that the use of synthetic pesticide products leads to damage to the pest and to other types of organisms that, in many cases, are positive for the plant. Synthetic products, precisely because of the power they have, eliminate virtually any organism that comes in contact with the plant.
This includes, for example, pollinating insects, such as bees, which are beneficial and necessary for many plant species.
What natural products to use to fumigate plants
Keep in mind that the amount of natural products that we can use to fumigate a plant against a pest is very broad. In fact, you can even find natural products such as fungicides or natural insecticides prepared and marketed in garden stores. In this case, they are natural products but they are presented in a traditional trade format, but whose components are natural, that is, they do not use any synthetic ingredient artificially created.
Garlic is one of the most effective plants when it comes to constituting a natural pesticide. It acts against bacteria, fungi and insects. To https://www.codaworx.com/online-pharmacy/ do this, just crush a couple of cloves of garlic and let them marinate for 48 hours in water. After this time, it will be possible to fumigate over the affected areas of the plant.
Cinnamon is another of the products of the kitchen that has pesticide effects. In this case, it is an especially potent fungicide. To apply it, it is best to dissolve the cinnamon in water. Let it marinate at least 24 hours and apply it to the areas affected by fungi in the plant.
This herb, which is usually used in infusion to combat fluid retention, is also a potent fungicide. To apply it, simply fumigate the infusion on the plant affected by fungi.
Sulfur is a natural compound that acts as a fungicide and acaricide. Its application should be done with care, since it is a natural compound, but equally powerful.