The grapes are one of the richest fruits that can be found in gardens. They are mentioned since ancient times, such as the Bible, and in numerous manuscripts referring to the benefits of vineyards around the world. So, if you follow the advice that we bring you here, you can enjoy how to grow grapes in your backyard.
The first thing you should know about grapes if you are still not convinced about the possibility of growing them in your garden. It is practical and usable in the long run, as decorative while it is growing. So, you will save yourself having a plant that only embellishes your garden without a greater attribute than that. In this sense, they are great in pergolas or vertical gardens, offering a spectacular shade that surely you will thank in summer. Keep reading: How to care for palm plants inside your house?
How to grow grapes in your backyard?
The grapevine requires a sunny exposure and a mild Mediterranean climate. In fact, the lack of sun or the plant in dark areas can cause fungal diseases. The soil must be drained, organic, and clayey. The support of the branches must be ensured because they must never touch the ground otherwise the fruits will rot. It is very advisable to do the planting of fall. In this way, the root will have time to recover until spring and the integration in the flora is assured. The vine will have grapes after 3 years. If it is done in spring, choose the beginning of April when the temperature is still a bit low and the spring winds have not started to show dehydration. The temperature of the earth must not exceed 8-10 degrees.
Select a perfect ground/land
The ground should be marked and some holes should be drilled 50-60 cm deep and 40 cm wide. A distance of 1.5 – 2 m is left between the holes and the lines. Do not plant too close to the walls or cemented areas (leave at least half a meter up to walls or curbs). Fill the holes with water 1-2 times before planting vines.
All this represents a correct structural imprint to be given to a grapevine, but the periods following the sowing are of fundamental importance. When the plant becomes adult it must be treated with two interventions: pruning and fertilizing. Green pruning should be done in the spring/summer period and is important for the balance between vegetative and productive function and favors the emission of new branches with fruit-bearing buds. The intervention consists in cutting the branches leaving only those that contain at least three buds.
Like pruning, fertilizing to grow grapes is a must. This intervention consists of administering organic fertilizers using electric sprayers to combat the invasion of harmful insects. The soil that hosts the grapevine must be well fertilized with decomposed leaves and above all with chopped peat. These tricks that follow the grapes from the moment of planting in the ground to complete flowering are the most important that must be taken if you intend to cultivate it in your own countryside, in a garden or on a terrace.
Final touch
For the rest, another element that you should consider it. If you are a lover of grapes as food, and you especially like those that are sweet. You always have to place them in the garden’s part where the sun shines the most. The rule is quite simple since the more sun you give them, the sweeter they will be.
When you have selected the species to plant according to the needs and characteristics of each grape plant and your own garden, look for support since it is a climber. The best for that matter are the brooches and grown that work perfectly with these fruits.
After that, it is not a very demanding plant, since it only needs a little space to grow. If you think in what climate it may favor them, that is undoubtedly the Mediterranean. They can also be adapted to other types of environments, as long as the sun gives them a good part of the day.