Good morning friends, in today’s space I leave some tips for the care of frost plants. Remember that many of the species are weak to these frosts because they exceed the degrees they can withstand.
That is why we have to take care of them, each plant requires different care … although many can also be taken care of in the same way.
The ideal would be to have enough information about each plant, to meet their needs and that the whole garden, is also beautiful in winter.
If you take care of the frost plants in winter, when spring arrives it will be beautiful. So remember that some species are especially delicate.
It is also necessary to protect the youngest and newborn plants because with frost they will suffer any damages.
Take care of frost plants
To protect the plants, in the face of frost, you have to find something to cover them. For this, you can make small greenhouses, which you can remove later without problems.
For this protection you can use mantles, veils, covers … so you can build a great greenhouse
You have to get similar things, so that the frost plants are in a state of hibernation and thus, get a greenhouse that you can easily remove.
Of course, depending on the species you have, sometimes it is not enough to put a cloak or a sleeve.
The herbaceous are very delicate, also the seedbeds, seedlings, and others .. you can place them in another place, where the wind and the frost do not reach them fully.
You can put them on the porch or in the garage. You can also place them on a balcony or on the terrace.
There are small greenhouses that you can either make yourself, or you can buy them in stores. The already of many varieties and many at economical prices.
Some of these greenhouses have the structure of steel or iron. They usually include several shelves. These shelves are used to put some sherds.
In addition, the structure usually has a transparent cover, which opens with zippers .. thus facilitates access to the interior.
This cover protects all your plants, from the possible frosts of winter. For vegetables, there are also special greenhouses.
After a hard winter, with frosts and cold that have made many frost plants have suffered these low temperatures is necessary to recover the plants.
These frosts can affect different types of plants differently. Either by frost or by lack of proper care, we will see how to recover them.
First, we will analyze the different problems of each of them to see how to invigorate and revitalize them in the appropriate way by applying basic care and a specific foliar fertilizer, taking into account, if it is a green leafy plant or if it is a flowering plant.